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Oct. 2021- Sept. 2024: Philosophiae Doctor in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Ph. D. on the Architecture of planetary systems by direct imaging of disks and exoplanets with the SPHERE instrument at the VLT, and in the context of the SPHERE+ upgrade.
Co-supervision between the Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG), Grenoble, France* and the Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), Heidelberg, Germany

2017-2021 - Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon and Observatory of Paris (France)

  • Diplom of the ENS de Lyon (2017-2021) at the ENS de Lyon, France
  • Master of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Spatial Engineering, with honors (2019-2020) at the Observatory of Paris within the University of Paris, France
  • Master of Physics, with honors (2018-2020) at the ENS de Lyon within the University of Lyon, France
  • Bachelor of Physics, with honors (2017-2018) at the ENS de Lyon within the University of Lyon, France

Note: the ENS de Lyon is a top french university part of the “Grandes Écoles”: a network of institutions of higher education entrance in France.

2015-2017 - Preparatory Class in Kléber High-School (Strasbourg, France)
Equivalent to the first and second years of Bachelor in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, with honors.
Note: The Preparatory Class program (called CPGE in French) corresponds to two years of intensive science-focused courses preparing for the entrance exam to French “Grandes Écoles”.


  • 2024-2028 (planned), 3+1 years: Fellowship at the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Observational duties at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) on UT3, and in parallel, pursuit of my research on planetary system architectures.
    ESO, Chile

  • 2021-2024, 3 years: Ph.D. in Observation and Instrumentation for Exoplanet and Disks (see the first item in the Education section)
    Co-supervision between IPAG, France and MPIA, Germany
    Supervisers: Gaël Chauvin, Julien Milli and Thomas Henning.

  • 2021, 5 months: Internship on Exploring the link between telluric and giant planets by combining observations of 27 directly-imaged planetary systems with radial velocity and astrometric detection methods, and confronting these results with those from theoretical model predictions.
    IPAG, Grenoble, France
    Supervisers: Julien Milli and Gaël Chauvin

  • 2020-2021, 5 months: Internship on Protoplanetary disks by using the latest cutting-edge post-processing algorithms in direct imaging to look for the exoplanets creating the observed substructures inside a sample of 15 young disks
    MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany
    Supervisers: Faustine Cantalloube and Thomas Henning

  • 2020, 4 months: Master's thesis on Experimental and theoretical limitations from polarisation shifts in High-Contrast Imaging
    LESIA (Laboratoire d'Etudes Spatiales et d'Instrumentation en Astrophysique), Observatory of Paris, Meudon, France
    Supervisers: Pierre Baudoz and Raphaël Galicher

  • 2020, 1 week: Observational week including the selection of the targets to observe, the manual manipulation of the telescopes (1m52, 1m20, and 80cm) and their domes, as well as the data processing and analysis
    OHP (Observatory of Haute-Provence), France
    Supervisors: Noël Robichon and Hervé Dole

  • 2019, 4 months: Internship on the In-depth characterisation of the young planetary system HD 95086 with 10 VLT/SPHERE observations
    Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
    Supervisors: Gaël Chauvin and Patricio Rojo

  • 2018, 2 months: Bachelor's thesis on Testing the Averaged Inhomogeneous Cosmology model by using maximum likelihood estimation to fit light-curves of Type Ia supernovae
    CRAL (Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon), Lyon, France
    Supervisors: Thomas Buchert and Asta Heinesen

Conferences and workshops

  • December 2023: Open Problems in the Astrophysics of Gas Giants conference (Puerto Natales, Chile)
    Contributed talk: Architecture of planetary systems: How do inner low-mass planets form?
  • August 2023: JWST Cycle 3 Debris disk proposal workshop (Heidelberg, Germany)
    Contributed talk: Architecture of planetary systems: How do inner low-mass planets form?
  • June 2023: Week of the French astronomy (SF2A)} conference (Strasbourg, France)
    Contributed talk: The intriguing double-belt system HD 120326
  • January 2023: Exosystèmes III (Marseille, France)
    Contributed talk: In-depth study on the young multi-belt system HD 95086 hosting (at least) one giant planet
  • June 2022: In the Spirit of Lyot (Leiden, The Neverthelands)
    Poster 1: Exploring the link between Super-Earths and cold Jupiters toward a better understanding of planetary formation
    Poster 2: In-depth study on the young multi-belt system HD 95086 hosting (at least) one giant planet from VLT/SPHERE and VLTI/Gravity (collaboration with Gilles Otten for the VLTI/Gravity results)
  • June 2022: SF2A (Strasbourg, France)
    Contributed talk: The young exoplanetary system HD 95086
  • November 2021: Exosystèmes II (Toulouse, France)
    Contributed talk: Exploring the link between Super-Earths and cold Jupiters via direct-imaging, radial velocity and astrometry methods
  • April 2021: FCLA workshop (online)
    Contributed talk: In-depth study of the young Solar system analog HD95086

Summer schools

  • September 2022: Exo-atmospheres (Les Houches, France)
  • June 2021: the 10th VLTI school of Interferometry (online)


  • Talk "First discoveries in exoplanets" during the open day of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (October 2023), Heidelberg, Germany
  • Conference "From childhood dream to exoplanet detection: doing research in astrophysics" to students, their parents and teachers (May 2023), Jean Sturm High-school, Strasbourg, France
  • Conference "What is a PhD? What deals my PhD with? All started for me with my research experience in Chile, a country of flourishing observatories” to student part of an astrophysics club (November 2022), Jean Sturm High-school, Strasbourg, France
  • Conference on the Exoplanets to the organization SAFGA (August 2022), Chalet de la Perheux, Alsace, France
  • Conference on the Exoplanets to the organization SAFGA (August 2021), Bellefosse, Alsace, France
  • Volunteer to the national event French nights of stars ('Nuits des étoiles') in the context of the organization SAFGA (Société Astronomique de France - Groupe Alsace) between 2015 and 2019. Public education to the night sky by using my own 200 mm-telescope. Strasbourg, France


  • Member of the astronomical organization SAFGA. Board member between January 2020 and January 2023. Strasbourg, France


  • 2019: Winner of the International Physicists' Tournament with the team of the University of Lyon at the French scale; Second at the international scale.


  • French (native)
  • English (fluent, CAE certification C1 in 2019)
  • Spanish, German (intermediate)
  • Italian, Russian (beginner)

Computer skills

  • Python (advanced)
  • Matlab (intermediate)
  • IDL, Fortran, C (beginner)