I have three refereed publications as a first-author and sixteen as a co-author.

Excepted one publication, all are in the field of Exoplanets and Circumstellar Disks. When I was an undergraduate student, I expressed interest in astronomy and astrophysics in particular in two fields: exoplanets and cosmology. That is why my first-author publication in 2019 based on my Bachelor’s thesis deals with averaged inhomogeneous cosmology. However, I have now focussed my research on the imaging of Exoplanets and Disks, from instrumentation to observation.

The full list of my peer-reviewed publications is available on ADS here and the list of not refereed publications here.

First-author: 3 publications

Desgrange, Milli, Chauvin, et al., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 680, A64, Planetary system architectures with low-mass inner planets: Direct imaging exploration of mature systems beyond 1 au.

Desgrange, Chauvin, Christiaens et al., 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 664, A139, In-depth direct imaging and spectroscopic characterization of the young Solar System analog HD 95086.

Desgrange, Heinesen, and Buchert, 2019, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 28, 1950143, Dynamical spatial curvature as a fit to Type Ia supernovae.

Co-author: 16 publications, including one in second author

Palma-Bifani, Chauvin, Borja, …, Desgrange et al., 2024, Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted, Atmospheric properties of AF Lep b with forward modeling.

Milli, Choquet, Tazaki, …, Desgrange et al., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted, The polarisation properties of the HD 181327 debris ring. Evidence for sub-micron particles from scattered light observations.

Matthews, Bonnefoy, Xie, Desgrange et al., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 679, A58, The first scattered light images of HD 112810, a faint debris disk in the Sco-Cen association.

Stasevic, Milli, Mazoyer, …, Desgrange et al., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 678, A8, An inner warp discovered in the disk around HD 110058 using VLT/SPHERE and HST/STIS.

Landman, Snellen, Keller, …, and Desgrange, 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 675, A157, Trade-offs in high-contrast integral field spectroscopy for exoplanet detection and characterisation. Young gas giants in emission.

Palma-Bifani, Chauvin, Bonnefoy, …, Desgrange et al., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670, A90, Peering into the young planetary system AB Pic. Atmosphere, orbit, obliquity, and second planetary candidate.

Le Coroller, Nowak, Wagner, …, Desgrange et al., 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 667, A142, Efficiently combining α CenA multi-epoch high-contrast imaging data. Application of K-Stacker to the 80 hours NEAR campaign

Xie, Choquet, Vigan, …, Desgrange et al. 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 666, A32, Reference-star differential imaging on SPHERE/IRDIS

Gallenne, Desgrange, Milli, et al., 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 665, A41, Probing the innermost region of the AU Microscopii debris disc

Gratton, Keller, Diolaiti, …, Desgrange et al. 2022, Proceedings of the SPIE, 12184, 121844F MedRes: a new MEDium RESolution integral field spectrograph for SPHERE

Boccaletti, Chauvin, Wildi, …, Desgrange et al. 2022, Proceedings of the SPIE, 12184, 121841S, Upgrading the high contrast imaging facility SPHERE: science drivers and instrument choices

Bonavita, Gratton, Desidera, …, Desgrange et al., 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 663, A144, New binaries from the SHINE survey

Asensio-Torres, Henning, Cantalloube, …, Desgrange et al., 2021, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 652, A101, Perturbers: SPHERE detection limits to planetary-mass companions in protoplanetary disks

Gratton, R., D’Orazi, V., Pacheco, …, Desgrange et al., 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 646, A61, Investigating three Sirius-like systems with SPHERE

Cantalloube, Gomez-Gonzalez, Absil, …, Desgrange et al., 2020, Proceedings of SPIE, 11448, 114485A, Exoplanet imaging data challenge: benchmarking the various image processing methods for exoplanet detection

Le Coroller, Nowak, Delorme, …, Desgrange et al., 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 639, A113, K-Stacker: an algorithm to hack the orbital parameters of planets hidden in high-contrast imaging. First applications to VLT/SPHERE multi-epoch observations

Last update: January 12, 2024